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Summer Refresher: Top four benefits of cucumber

In order to stay cool during summer is your diet, and when it comes to a good mix of health and hydration, look just at the cucumber to rehydrate your body.



Summer Refresher: Top four benefits of cucumber
Summer Refresher: Top four benefits of cucumber

Cucumber is one of the most essential parts of the salad, helps in refreshing everyone, especially during summer heat.

Every cool bite of this refreshing vegetable is filled with nutrients like Vitamin K, Vitamin C, Magnesium, Pantothenic acid, Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, Zinc and Silica. A 100-gram portion of this vegetable is just 16 calories.

1. Best cosmetic for your skin

Cucumbers are used topically for various types of skin problems, including dark circles, swelling or puffiness under the eyes and sunburn. Two compounds present in cucumbers are often helpful for swollen eyes, burns and dermatitis.

2. Hair growth

Silicon and Sulphur promote hair growth. It’s best to juice this vegetable with some mint leaves and carrots to increase this purpose.

3. Eat cucumbers to lose weight

They are 95% water which fills you up adding volume to meals. With 16 calories per cup, cucumbers are nutritionally dense, this means you can eat more and gain no weight.

4. Helps improve heart health

Lignans found in cucumbers have immune-boosting, anti-inflammatory effects that are beneficial for fighting cardiovascular disease. Cucumbers also provide important minerals for healthier blood pressure levels.
