
Govt to extend prime minister youth loan program  

He said that Pakistan is currently facing so munch challenges these days.

GNN Web Desk
Published 9 months ago on Apr 4th 2024, 1:45 pm
By Web Desk
Govt to extend prime minister youth loan program  

Islamabad: The chairman of prime minister youth loan program Rana Masood affirmed that the current year youth loan program will be extended more.

According to the details, Rana Masood was doing a press conference regarding the recovery in prime minister youth loan program.

Chairman youth loan program stated that more than 98 percent recovery is in prime minister youth loan program. The youth can play a significant role in the progress of the country and the opportunities are providing to youth in every field of life by the government.

He said that Pakistan is currently facing so munch challenges these days. In the current situation everyone should work together to move forward the country. The inflation gets low now. Stock market is increasing day by day.