
Education Sindh bars registration of 54 schools 

During that violation 54 private schools’ registration was stopped.

GNN Web Desk
Published a year ago on Apr 27th 2024, 9:18 am
By Web Desk
Education Sindh bars registration of 54 schools 

Karachi: The department school education Sindh has barred registration of 54 private schools on not giving free education to 10 percent needy children.

According to the details, department school education Sindh had done inspection of more than one thousand private schools on matter of giving 10 percent free ship in private schools of the province.

During that violation 54 private schools’ registration was stopped. Department education Sindh stated that the private schools were not giving 10 percent free ship on enrollment in accordance with the law.

However, according to the law every private school has to give free education to 10 percent needy students of total admission.

In accordance with the Sindh education department the registration will not be issued to schools by the implementation on free ship law.
