
EU hypocrisy and PTI anarchists

Article 14 of the Int'l Covenant on Civil and Political Rights allows anarchists to be punished without a public hearing in matters of national security

GNN Web Desk
Published 2 months ago on Dec 24th 2024, 4:31 am
By Web Desk
EU hypocrisy and PTI anarchists

(Web Desk): PTI anarchists have got themselves into trouble by getting the European Union (EU) to issue a statement against military courts in Pakistan.

Article 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which the EU has cited, allows anarchists to be punished without a public hearing in matters of national security.

PTI’s western operatives believe that they will put the Pakistani state under pressure with such laws. But the state has already carefully examined these laws and sentenced PTI anarchists keeping in mind human rights. It is true that youth is the name of something that never has a reason.

Is the EU so blinded by its special agenda that it fails to recognise the necessity of extraordinary measures in extraordinary circumstances? 

Condemning Pakistan for protecting its citizens while ignoring its own historic use of similar mechanisms is not just unjust as it's an outright assault on Pakistan’s sovereignty and security.

And why so much pain for a convict who is continuously sabotaging the state and its institutions, both verbally and physically?
