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Human remains discovered in Titan Submarine

Officials to conduct a thorough examination of recovered remains.



Human remains discovered in Titan Submarine
GNN Media: Representational Photo

Canada: Human remains recovered from the Titan Submarine was brought to the port of Saint John's in Canada on Wednesday, according to international media reports,

The wreckage, including the landing frame of the dive and the rear section, arrived at the harbor.

Currently, the United States Coast Guard is in the initial stages of investigating the Titan incident.

The Coast Guard's Marine Board of Investigations (MBI) has been tasked with identifying these pieces of evidence and transporting them to a U.S. port.

It is worth noting that the recreational dive known as "Titan" departed for a leisurely journey to the historical maritime vessel located at a depth of 3,800 meters in the ocean.

However, contact was lost just two hours after the start of the expedition.

Among the five passengers aboard the dive vessel were Pakistani-origin business magnate Prince Dawood and his son Suleiman Dawood, along with a British billionaire businessman and the CEO of Ocean Gate, the company responsible for organizing this recreational endeavor, Stockton Rush.

Medical experts are now poised to conduct a thorough examination of the retrieved remains.

