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Initiatives of social platforms to assist voters in Pakistan

Google has also introduced a Google Trends page regarding Pakistani elections. This page contains details about the parties participating in the elections.



Initiatives of social platforms to assist voters in Pakistan
Initiatives of social platforms to assist voters in Pakistan

Islamabad: The general elections in Pakistan ahead on February 8 is all over the internet platforms. Facebook, TikTok and Google have taken some steps to assist people about polls in Pakistan.

According to the details, Google has taken various initiatives regarding the upcoming general elections in Pakistan so that the voters can be provided with useful and authentic information and their platform can also be protected from misuse.

The official stated that google homepage provides links that provide authentic information to voters on topics such as 'how to vote' and 'how to register to vote'. You can go to and click on Learn more on how to vote in the 2024 National Election.

Google has also introduced a Google Trends page regarding Pakistani elections. This page contains details about the parties participating in the elections.

Google has also launched a series of workshops to equip journalists with the right resources while covering news. These workshops train journalists on news verification, digital security and tools to use Google Trends

YouTube includes local and national news sources, search results and Up Next panels on the home page so that people can access quality news and information regarding elections.

TikTok is taking strong measures to combat misinformation, violence and hateful content in line with community guidelines. TikTok's policies prohibit content that threatens voters, disrupts the voting process or incites violence.

To prevent disinformation, TikTok will continue to work with local and regional fact-checkers to consistently and accurately remove election-related misinformation on the platform.

Such content is prevented from being recommended for the For You feed while viewers and creators are alerted to the potentially misleading nature of such content.

Pakistan Election Center will also be introduced soon in this regard on behalf of Tik Tok. This center will provide users with authentic information including voting procedures and locations.

TikTok has established policies for accounts belonging to the government, politicians or political parties, which exclude the ability to give or receive money through advertising, fundraising or TikTok monetization tools.

Facebook hasn't taken much action yet but it has definitely shared a link regarding general elections in Pakistan on clicking on which, the Facebook page of Election Commission of Pakistan opens in front of the user.
