
Justice (R) Mushir Alam refuses to become ad hoc judge

Justice Retired Mushir said: “I have spent 22 to 23 years in the judiciary, engaged in welfare work, I apologize for working as an ad hoc judge in the current situation”

GNN Web Desk
Published 8 months ago on Jul 16th 2024, 3:53 pm
By Web Desk
Justice (R) Mushir Alam refuses to become ad hoc judge

Islamabad: The former Supreme Court judge Justice (retd) Mushir Alam excused from becoming an ad hoc judge.

Justice Retired Mushir Alam wrote in a letter to the Judicial Commission that Allah has honored him more than his position, and is deeply disappointed by the campaign launched on social media after the nomination of an ad hoc judge.

Justice Retired Mushir said: “I have spent 22 to 23 years in the judiciary, engaged in welfare work, I apologize for working as an ad hoc judge in the current situation”.

On the other hand, according to the media reports, Justice Retired Sardar Tariq Masood has agreed to be appointed ad hoc judge Supreme Court. Apart from him, Justice Retired Mazhar Alam Mian Khel has also agreed to be appointed ad hoc judge Supreme Court. However, Justice Retired Maqbool Baqir has not yet responded to the Supreme Court Registrar.

It is pertinent to note that an important meeting of the Judicial Commission has been called on July 19 for the appointment of four ad hoc judges in the Supreme Court to reduce the pending cases and provide speedy justice to the petitioners.

The reports also suggest that in the judicial commission meeting, Justice Retired Sardar Tariq Masood, Justice Retired Maqbool Baqir, Justice Retired Mushir Alam and Justice Retired Mazhar Alam Mian Khel will be considered for appointment as ad hoc judges of the Supreme Court.
