
Anyone who commits rape, ‘solely and solely’ that person is responsible: PM

Islamabad: Prime Minister Imran Khan has categorically stated that anyone who commits rape, solely and solely that person is responsible.

GNN Web Desk
Published 4 سال قبل on جولائی 28 2021، 8:38 شام
By Web Desk

While giving an interview to PBS NewsHour, when asked about his earlier remarks linking temptation to women’s attire, Imran Khan said that his ‘comments were taken completely out of context’.

“Anyone who commits rape, solely and solely that person is responsible. So let’s be clear about that. No matter whatever or how much ever the woman is provocative, or whatever she wears, the person who commits rape, he is fully responsible. Never is the victim responsible,” PM said adding,

“My comments were completely taken out of context. They [comments] were simply talking about [referring to] the Pakistan society, where we are having a sharp rise in sex crimes and sex crimes doesn’t include just women, more than rape are child abuse cases which are going through the roof. So my comments were in that context and I use the word parda in Islam and parda doesn’t mean just clothes and parda is not restricted to women only. Parda is for men as well. It means bringing the temptation down in the society. This is what I was talking about and it was taken ‘deliberately’ out of context. And I have to say because I know all the interviews I have given, never would I say such a stupid thing where a person who was raped is responsible. It’s always the rapist who is responsible.”

Responding to another question, Imran Khan said that Islam gives the most dignity and respect to women adding that Pakistani women are treated with more respect than elsewhere.

“Having travelled all over the world, I can say that in Muslim countries, women are treated with far more respect and dignity. You have odd cases everywhere in the world. Look at the situation in Pakistan even now, I mean look at the rape cases here and compare it to western countries, they are minuscule compared to them. Yes we have our issues, we have our cultural problems, every nation has that, but that comes with cultural revolution and education. Whereas, as far as a woman’s dignity and respect goes, I can say that this society gives more respect and dignity to women.”

Earlier in June, Prime Minister Imran Khan came under fire for his reaction to the rising cases of sexual violence in Pakistan.

In interview to Axios, when asked if he thinks what women wear has any effect [on men], Imran Khan said, "If a woman is wearing very few clothes, it will have an impact on the men, unless they are robots. It’s just common sense.”

"Yes, but will it really provoke acts of sexual violence?" PM was asked to which he had responded,

"It depends which society you live in. If in a society, people haven't seen that sort of a thing, it will have an impact on them.”

The PM’s remarks attracted men and women on Twitter to react strongly. 
