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Terrorists attack FC check post in Sherani, 4 personnel martyred 

Balochistan government spokesperson condemns the Sherani Attack, Balochistan



Terrorists attack FC check post in Sherani, 4 personnel martyred 
GNN Media: Representational Photo

Balochistan: In a heinous attack by terrorists on an FC check post in the Dhanasar area of Sherani district, Balochistan, 4 personnel have been martyred while one has been injured.

According to the Balochistan government spokesperson, Babar Yousafzai, terrorists launched the attack on the check post, resulting in the martyrdom of 1 FC and 3 police personnel.

In the exchange of fire, one terrorist was also killed. Intense firing continues between the forces and the terrorists.

The martyred personnel includes Inspector Bahadur Khan Babar, Afzal Sherani, and Bazkhan Harifal, as confirmed by the spokesperson.

Babar Yousafzai stated that terrorists aim to disrupt peace and stability through cowardly attacks.

No leniency will be shown to the terrorists.

The sacrifices of the security forces make the entire nation proud.

In a separate incident, a hand grenade attack occurred at the Sol Line Police Station in Quetta.

One police officer sustained minor injuries.

The spokesperson of the Chief Minister of Balochistan stated that a search operation is underway in the area to apprehend the culprits.
