
Solidarity amid Covid-19 crisis: Netizens share heartwarming messages as #PakistanStandsWithIndia becomes top Twitter trend

As India is battling the deadly Covid-19 wave with record surge in cases and death toll, a ray of hope is seen on the internet where #PakistanStandsWithIndia is trending top in Pakistan.

GNN Web Desk
Published 4 سال قبل on اپریل 24 2021، 10:02 شام
By Web Desk

In times, when the world is fighting against the coronavirus pandemic that has wreaked havoc in most countries of the world, India is also witnessing terrible times with an acute shortage of imperative items such as oxygen, medicines, ventilators, and beds in the hospitals. The daily number of infections are also crossing 300,000 mark with record casualties.

In times of severe crisis, Pakistanis have shown a remarkable example of solidarity and harmony on internet. Although Pakistan is by no means done with its own battle against coronavirus pandemic, the thousands of messages of hope and support on twitter have shown how humanity always surpasses bitterness and rivalries.

A day earlier, Pakistan’s most trusted and experienced humanitarian organization Edhi Foundation wrote a letter to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, stating that they want to send a fleet of 50 ambulances to assist the country in fighting coronavirus.

Several users pointed out, it does not take much beyond basic humanity to wish all people well. Here are some of the messages shared by Pakistanis for their neighbours:


Indians for the most part seem to appreciate the sentiment, leaving grateful responses to the messages of support:

