
Bilawal vows to change look of Karachi if elected to power

The PPP chairman expresses concerns that the independent candidates may join the government against any deal.

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Karachi: Pakistan People's Party (PPP) Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said that if people gave them a chance they would change the look of Karachi within the next five years.

“Karachi is my own city and I want to serve it,” said Bilawal, pointing out that the people expressed confidence in the local bodies’ elections held recently.

He was addressing a rally in Karachi’s Shireen Jinnah Colony on Monday.

The PPP chairman said that not only the local but also provincial and federal government would be in their hands.

“If people give us a chance we will chance the Karach’s look,” said Bilawal.

He said that they would change the look of the city within the next five years if the people elected them to power.

Bilawal was of the view that the other political parties were contesting elections for their own purposes.

“All the problems of Karachi would be resolved if they formed the next federal government,” said the former foreign minister, adding that the people should respond to the politicians of hate just by stamping the Arrow. And women must leave their homes to votes.

He stated that the competition in the country is between two parties, people have to be aware not to waste their votes on an independent candidate.

The independent candidates, he said, might join the government against any deal.

“This time the people should give me a chance and I will not disappoint them,” said the PPP chairman, adding that the

Independent candidates might join the government against any deal. This time people should give me a chance, I would not disappoint them. If my candidate gets elected, the problems of the people of the constituency would be conveyed to me.

Bilawal asked the people to promise their support on this election.

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