
Important decision of caretaker cabinet regarding power, gas tariffs

The Cabinet approved amendments to the NEPRA and OGRA Acts to eliminate the government's role in electricity and gas tariff notifications.

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Important decision of caretaker cabinet regarding power, gas tariffs 

Islamabad: The caretaker federal cabinet has taken an important decision regarding electricity and gas prices.

The Cabinet approved amendments to the National Electric and Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) and Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) Acts to eliminate the government's role in electricity and gas tariff notifications.

Through these amendments, OGRA and NEPRA will be able to issue notifications of electricity and gas tariffs without government intervention.

It is reported that according to the government the federal cabinet has approved the amendments in the NEPRA and OGRA laws, under which both departments will be authorized to issue notifications of electricity and gas tariffs. The caretaker federal cabinet approved the measures through circulation.

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