
Controversial tweets case: Swati's bail confirmed in two cases

Court confirmed Azam Swati's bail in both cases against surety bonds of Rs0.5 million each

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Controversial tweets case: Swati's bail confirmed in two cases

Islamabad: A local court in Islamabad confirmed bail of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Azam Swati in two cases registered under the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (PECA).

According to the details, Azam Swati's bail application was heard by Additional Sessions Judge Afzal Majoka of the PECA Act Court. Swati appeared in court along with his lawyer Ali Bukhari.

After hearing the arguments, the court confirmed Azam Swati's bail in both cases against the surety bonds of Rs0.5 million each.

It is pertinent to note that bail confirmed or confirmation in bail means that the accused is now permanently granted bail in the case and can no longer be arrested in the case. However, the prosecution can challenge the decision, after which the court can reject the bail if it wants.

Arrest of Azam Swati

On November 27, 2022, PTI Senator Azam Khan Swati was arrested by the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) for tweeting a controversial tweet against military officers, before that he was arrested on October 12 for tweeting against the Army Chief.

A case was registered against the former federal minister by the FIA ​​under Section 20 of PECA 2016 and Sections 131, 500, 501, 505, and 109 of the Pakistan Penal Code (PPC).

Referring to three Twitter accounts in the First Information Report (FIR), it was said that Azam Swati and the said accounts had launched a campaign on Twitter in a very aggressive manner against state institutions, senior officials with ulterior motives and nefarious purposes.

The FIR further stated that “such name-calling and incriminating inflammatory tweets amount to the mischief of sedition by creating discord among the officers of the armed forces to harm the state”.

It was added in the FIR that by commenting on provocative tweets, the accused tried to mislead army officers about their duties and loyalty and this was being repeatedly attempted by Azam Swati.

The FIR also said that Swati violated confidentiality based on false information in an attempt to incite any officer, soldier, sailor, or airman to mutiny or dereliction of duty. The statements are also likely to create fear in the public.

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