
Peace between Pakistan, India guarantees development in region: Fawad Chaudhry

Islamabad: The Federal Minister for Science and Technology Fawad Chaudhry on Wednesday has stated that peace between India and Pakistan guarantees development in the region as it can make it an economic superpower.

GNN Web Desk
Published 4 سال قبل on مارچ 24 2021، 8:56 شام
By Web Desk

The Federal Minister turned to twitter and shared Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s letter to Imran Khan on the occasion of Pakistan Day.

“Can’t agree more peace is a noble desire we all stand by peace however, unless #ModiJanta shows a desire to resolve #Kashmir rest assure all desires shall fall apart,” the caption read.

The minister further stressed that such tricks have never worked before and will not work now.
