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Four killed, 11 injured in Quetta blast

The police say that several nearby buildings, cars and motorcycles have got damage in the blast in Qandhari bazaar of the provincial capital.



Four killed, 11 injured in Quetta blast
GNN Media: Representational Photo

Quetta: At least four peoples lost their lives and 11 others got injured during a blast in Qandhari Bazaar of Quetta  on Monday.

The blast took place nearby a police van and the situation reflect as if the terrorists wanted to hit the policemen in the area.  Several buildings, some vehicles and motorbikes also got damaged in the blast. 

According to the latest reports, four people wee killed and several others sustained injuries in the blast. The police and rescue service reached the spot soon after the blast. Police cordoned off the area while the rescue workers shifted the victims to the nearby hospital.

Till writing of these lines, no group claimed responsibity of the blast while the police said they were investigating the incident. 

