
Distracted by phone, mother carrying baby falls into manhole

The footage filmed on October 8, shows the mother who doesn't see the manhole while speaking on the phone and walks right to the edge of it. 

GNN Web Desk
Published 3 سال قبل on اکتوبر 20 2021، 11:57 صبح
By Web Desk
Distracted by phone, mother carrying baby falls into manhole

Faridabad: In a horrific incident, captured on CCTV footage has been gone viral on social media—showing an Indian woman distracted by her mobile phone, and her five-month-old baby, fall into an open manhole. 

The incident occurred at ward number five of Jawahar colony in the district Faridabad, Indian state of Haryana.

The footage filmed on October 8, shows the mother who doesn't see the manhole while speaking on the phone and walks right to the edge of it. 

As per recorded footage woman’s one foot slides into the hole and she plummets out of sight, clutching her baby as they fall. 

Concerned bystanders quickly rush—bringing over a four-sided poster stand and lay it down over the opening. One man went down the manhole to get the baby and mother out. 

As per locals, the manhole had been open for many days despite warnings to the local authorities.   

Fortunately, no one was injured and both were quickly rescued in the dramatic accident.
