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Whispers, rumors and rulers' narrative!



The change of top command in Pakistan's most important intelligence agency was generally considered normal, but then those with access to the ruling circles started whispering differences and stopped the notification of the appointment of the new DG.

Imran Yaqub Khan Profile Imran Yaqub Khan

These whispers emerged as rumors on social media. The market for rumors on social media continued to heat up, with some key government ministers allegedly trying to "firefight". Disagreements over a minor issue eventually escalated into a week that the government spokesman had to admit.

The appointments and transfers were announced on October 6, the rumors continued for four days. On October 10, the Prime Minister addressed the main function of  Ashra Rehmatul Lil Alemeen (SAW) and one of his sentences was considered the big news of the day. The Prime Minister said in the history of the world, there has hardly been a general greater than Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA). He had never lost a war. Even then Hazrat Umar (RA) asked Hazrat Khalid to quit command for another. What was the context of his sentence? No one felt the need to consider it, but its meanings began to be taken in the context of rumors circulating on social media. Estimates began to be made.

After two days of silence, Federal Minister for Information Fawad Chaudhry had to come in front of the cameras and talk about these rumors. He told the media in detail that the Prime Minister and the Army chief had a long meeting, the Prime Minister and the Army Chief have close ties, the Prime Minister's Office will never take any step that would tarnish the honor of the Army or the Commander-in-Chief and Nor will the military take a step that would tarnish the image of the prime minister or the civilian setup. Legal procedure will be followed for the appointment of new DG ISI, all constitutional and legal requirements for the appointment of new DG ISI will be met.

After this statement of Fawad Chaudhry, many more explanatory statements came from various personalities, then the journalists who were also in close contact with the Prime Minister's House were fed tickers in the name of sources that the Prime Minister while talking to the cabinet members said, "The appointment of DG ISI is my prerogative. The situation in Afghanistan demands that no change be made in this post for another six months. If the army has honor, then the Prime Minister's House too. The impresison that I am a puppet PM is wrong. The PM decides the name from the list of three names."

At the same time, the Prime Minister's favorite phrase was added to the un-fed tickers that "if I am not nervous, you should not be nervous either". The emphasis was on cabinet members. Maybe no one knows what was behind it.

Although the tickers fed from the Prime Minister's House were designed to defuse the situation, these tickers don't seem to benefit the government, but rather the advisers have created a state of confrontation. As far as the press briefing of the Information Minister is concerned, he also took the same stance as that expressed by the PMBAT reporters, the only difference being that the attitude of the Information Minister and the choice of words was careful. He spoke in muffled words.

The change of government is actually a tragedy, which it is now facing. From day one, this government tried to give the impression that the relationship between the top military leadership and the government was warm and the position was the same on every issue, for which the word "one page" was used repeatedly. In the current situation, those who have filed a "one-page" writ are unable to tell the nation that if the hell broke loose over the usual transfer of a post. The manner in which the issue is being handled isn't a good omen.

One page impressors successfully run their agenda for three years. The wreckage of their every incompetence and bad governance kept falling on one page. The opposition was also in control because of one page. One page hid every weakness. Now the secret of not having a page is open, so panic is spreading. In the same panic, the PTI supporters discussed the point of civil superiority. Even those who raise this point are not well-wishers of the government. What will be the result of this shake-up? The answer lies in our political history.

Most importantly, this disagreement is by no means a question of civil superiority. The stubbornness to maintain the personality of one's choice in any position cannot be termed as civil superiority. Those who give such an impression deliberately or unknowingly pave the way for institutional conflict.

The fact that the "one-page" writ petitioners have perpetuated the impression of national institution's involvement in important decisions for their own political interests is not a formal and explicit attempt by the military to refute this impression outright. The impression was made and the impression was gaining momentum. Now if someone tried to make unnecessary noise of the civil superintendent, then the silence may not be maintained and the position of the other side will also come to the fore and the noise of the civil superior may say Don't stay It is better to be careful.

Civil supremacy is in fact an ideology and principle that has taken root in the world with the concept of democracy. First of all, we have to focus on promoting real democracy in the country. Real democracy is the civil supremacy. It isn't possible to use the slogans of "one page" when support is needed to form and run a government, and when it comes to likes and dislikes, it is civil. The upper hand should be made a crutch. All the requirements of true democracy must be met.

Due to this disagreement, the role of any key player is not immediately in jeopardy, but once the impression of "one page" disappears, opposition parties and social elements opposed to government measures will surely be encouraged. Even those cornered within the ruling coalition will be free to decide according to the new situation as those who have completed three years despite continuous bad governance have lost an important support.

Now the chances of an anti-government movement will increase, and sit-in politicians may face new sit-ins. This means that if precautions are not taken, the situation can take any turn. The exsisting state of affairs can take any turn. Under these circumstances, if the PTI had to be ousted from power, the party's narrative will be that of a "political martyr"?

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Police arrest JI workers in Islamabad

The strict security measures including road blockades have been implemented to prevent protest gatherings, leading to significant traffic disruptions across the city

Published by Hussnain Bhutta



Islamabad:  Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) claimed that around 1,150 of its activists were detained across various cities while attempting to march to Islamabad to protest against rising inflation.

JI's protest targets the recent sharp increase in electricity prices, while PTI's nationwide demonstrations are focused on calling for the release of its founder, Imran Khan, and other detained leaders.

The federal capital has been heavily fortified with containers, effectively cutting it off from nearby Rawalpindi and surrounding areas.

The strict security measures, including road blockades, have been implemented to prevent protest gatherings, leading to significant traffic disruptions across the city.

Section 144 remains in effect in both Punjab and the federal capital, banning assemblies, processions, and protests ahead of planned opposition rallies.

Law enforcement personnel have been deployed throughout Islamabad to ensure compliance with the restrictions, and citizens are advised to avoid participating in unauthorized activities.

Several JI members were arrested by the Islamabad police while attempting to gather at D-Chowk in defiance of Section 144. Additional arrests occurred in Lahore as protesters attempted to march towards the capital.

In response to the restrictions and arrests, JI's Rawalpindi Emir Arif Sherazi announced that the sit-in would be relocated to Liaquat Bagh instead of D-Chowk, where it will continue until the party’s demands are met. JI Emir Hafiz Naeem-ur-Rehman, leading a march from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, is expected to join the protest at Liaquat Bagh.

Rawalpindi Central Police Officer Khalid Mahmood Hamdani stated that JI was granted permission to hold a rally at Liaquat Bagh under certain conditions. He assured that the situation remained peaceful and warned that any attempts to disrupt it would not be tolerated.

Addressing the protestors at I-8 Islamabad, Hafiz Naeem declared that the protest was a fight for the people's rights and called for the release of detained JI members. He emphasized that the sit-in was only beginning and vowed that the protesters would remain until their demands were met.

Roads from Rawalpindi to Islamabad were blocked with containers as JI protesters attempted to enter the capital.

The police deployed at the Faizabad interchange managed the incoming protesters, while roads leading to Parliament House from D-Chowk were blocked with barricades.

 Traffic continued to flow without major disruptions, and protesters at these locations were either dispersed or detained.

The authorities stated that protests in the Red Zone are not permitted due to its sensitive nature.



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JI shifts strategy, announces sit-in at three locations in Islamabad

Following JI's call for protests against increased power bills, containers were placed to block routes from the Red Zone and Rawalpindi to the capital, and the metro bus service in Rawalpindi was suspended, causing significant inconvenience for passengers

Published by Hussnain Bhutta



Rawalpindi: In response to government road closures and arrests, Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) shifted its strategy and announced sit-ins at three locations in the federal capital on Friday.

Following JI's call for protests against increased power bills, containers were placed to block routes from the Red Zone and Rawalpindi to the capital, and the metro bus service in Rawalpindi was suspended, causing significant inconvenience for passengers.

Key intersections in the Red Zone, such as D Chowk, Nadra Chowk, and Sarina Chowk, have been sealed with containers.

Police have also arrested JI workers from various locations. However, JI has now revised its approach.

JI spokesperson Qaiser Sharif reported that 1,150 party workers were arrested nationwide. He announced sit-ins at Murree Road in Rawalpindi, Zero Point in Islamabad, and Chungi No 26, with Hafiz Naeemur Rehman leading the sit-in at Zero Point in Islamabad.

Section 144 in Punjab, Islamabad

The federal and Punjab governments have imposed Section 144 in Punjab and Islamabad amid PTI and JI plans for nationwide protests. According to the notification, Section 144 will be in effect from Friday, July 26 to Sunday, July 28.

The Home Department stated that there would be a ban on rallies, sit-ins, and protests from July 26 to 28 due to terrorism threats, as public gatherings could be easy targets for militants.

JI Secretary General Ameerul Azeem claimed that police conducted raids on the homes of JI leaders in various cities, targeting them to disrupt the demonstration. He reported numerous incidents of police raids, arrests, and mistreatment of women.

Govt warned

Earlier on Thursday, JI Emir Hafiz Naeemur Rehman warned the government that it would be held responsible if the party is prevented from entering Islamabad for their planned protest against electricity price hikes and inflation. He stated that they believe in peaceful political resistance to secure public rights and are not afraid of arrests.

Rehman emphasized that the historic sit-in on Friday, July 26, will represent 250 million Pakistanis and will be held peacefully at D-Chowk. He noted that convoys from across the country were on their way to join the sit-in and urged the administration to provide a venue for the protest. He also welcomed any political party that wishes to participate.

Ahead of the sit-in, police in various areas of Punjab and Rawalpindi raided the homes of JI leaders and officials, arresting several. The police raided the house of JI's central secretary general, Ameerul Azim, but did not find him, instead arresting his driver, Shaukat Mahmood.

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‘Thrones’ meets Olympics in ‘Those About To Die,’ says director Emmerich

Series, starring Anthony Hopkins as Emperor Vespasian, does not shy away from sex and violence

Published by Faisal Ali Ghumman



San Diego (AFP): It is easy to see why ‘Those About To Die,’ Roland Emmerich’s racy new TV drama set in Ancient Rome, is frequently described by critics as ‘Game of Thrones’ with added chariot racing and gladiators.

The series, starring Anthony Hopkins as Emperor Vespasian, does not shy away from sex and violence as its characters scheme and plot in a world of bloody brawls and bacchanalian brothels.

Reviews have almost without exception drawn a direct line from its Circus Maximus and Colosseum to the fictional ‘Thrones’ continent of Westeros – though not always favorably.

But Emmerich, the German director of blockbuster movies ‘Independence Day’ and ‘The Day After Tomorrow,’ told AFP that his first foray into television wears its influences proudly on its toga sleeve.

“It was inspired… I’m actually pleased” by the comparison to the HBO smash hit fantasy series, said Emmerich.

“That was the goal. To make it as big as possible, and pack even more action in,” he said.

The series finds Hopkins’ emperor in his final days, forced to choose an heir from his two sons – budding military general Titus, and scheming politician Domitian.

But much of the action takes place in the bowels of the Circus Maximus and the Colosseum, where Rome’s seedy underbelly meets to bet on the races and fights.

Rome is on the cusp of yet another rebellion, as starving citizens turn their ire on the imperial family. Desperate to deflect attention, the rulers lay on lavish sporting spectacles to assuage the masses.

“This is mainly a sports show… yes, it has some moments of character development and high drama, but it’s mainly about the excitement of sports,” said Emmerich.

Not coincidentally, the show is available in the United States on Peacock – the streaming platform owned by official Olympics broadcaster NBC.

Ahead of the Olympics opening ceremony Friday, the show is receiving a heavy marketing push this week at Comic-Con, the massive pop culture gathering taking place in San Diego, California.

Peacock has even constructed a scaled-down Circus Maximus “fan experience” in a prime spot just outside the convention center.

Attendees, split into five competing teams, take turns whipping the reins that propel their horses forward.

“Citizens of Rome, what great races so far!” shouts a man in a toga at a press preview, as miniature mechanized chariots skitter around a track, reminiscent of a fairground arcade game.

The event is par for the course at Comic-Con, where interactive “activations” around downtown San Diego have become as big a draw as the convention itself.

‘Shout in my face!’

As part of the marketing blitz, the series’ director and stars attended a Comic-Con panel and spoke with press.

Hopkins was notably – though not surprisingly – absent. The 86-year-old famously did not even show up for the Oscars when he won his second best actor Academy Award for ‘The Father’ in 2021.

But his presence on the Italian film set used for ‘Those About To Die’ left a mark on his director and co-stars.

Emmerich sent the script to Hopkins “not actually believing that he will say yes,” before discovering that the Welsh thespian is a history buff who wanted the part.

“At a steep price, but still!” recalled Emmerich. “I had so many good discussions with him about Rome and the whole culture. He’s a total fan.”

Jojo Macari, who plays the emperor’s younger son Domitian, recalled being advised by Hopkins to say his lines “really bloody loudly.”

“The message was… come in with confidence, come at me, come and shout in my face. I want you to do it!”

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