
PM Imran Khan expresses resolve, unwavering commitment to country’s security

On February 27, 2019, the PAF had shot down two Indian planes for violating Pakistan’s airspace and arrested an Indian pilot Abhinandan.

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Islamabad: Prime Minister Imran Khan on Sunday reiterating resolve and unwavering commitment to the security of country and nation, said that the armed forces of the country, backed by nation, would respond to any military aggression in a befitting manner.

On his Twitter handle, the prime minister, while marking the third anniversary of Pakistan’s exemplary response to India’s ill-conceived and botched military airstrike inside its territorial airspace on February 27, 2019, said that he had always believed in the resolution of conflict through dialogue and diplomacy, but it should not be taken as a sign of weakness.

“We are resolute and unwavering in our commitment to the security of our country and our nation,” Imran Khan said in a tweet.

As we showed India on Feb 27, 2019, when it chose to attack us, our armed forces backed by the nation would respond to military aggression and prevail at all levels, he maintained.


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