
Security arrangements for OIC session finalized: Interior Minister 

The Minister said security of red zone has been handed over to Rangers and FC, and no one will be allowed to support enemy's agenda of spoiling the country's peace.

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Islamabad: Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed says security arrangements for the 48th session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers have been finalized.

Addressing media in Islamabad, the minister said around fifteen thousand security personnel, including Police, Rangers and FC have been deployed in Islamabad for this purpose.

The Minister said security of red zone has been handed over to Rangers and FC, and no one will be allowed to support enemy's agenda of spoiling the country's peace.

Commenting on PPP leader Bilawal Bhutto's statement regarding disrupting OIC session, he categorically said such an irresponsible statement will not be tolerated. 

Condemning the Sindh House incident, Sheikh Rashid Ahmed said leaders of the parties will be held accountable in case of any anarchic move during their rallies before voting on no confidence motion.

He made it clear that if Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) workers can be arrested then no other party is above law. 

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