
PM praises authorities for restoring flood-hit essential services

A massive national effort is underway to restore essential services in the flood-hit areas.

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Islamabad: Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif on Saturday appreciated all the relevant authorities for making efforts to restore the essential services in the flood-affected areas across the country. 

On his Twitter handle, the prime minister said that despite the heaviest odds, all the concerned departments including National Highway Authority (NHA), power distribution and supply companies, Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) and other federal departments had done ‘amazing work’ by largely rehabilitated the damaged infrastructure.

“A massive national effort is underway to restore essential services in the flood-hit areas. NHA, DISCOs, PTA & other federal departments have done amazing work against the heaviest of odds & largely rehabilitated the damaged infrastructure. My appreciation for all public servants,” he said.

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