
After Britain, Australia also tightens visa rules for students

It has also been reported that there are about 650,000 foreign students in Australia.

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After Britain, Australia also tightens visa rules for students

Canberra: Following Britain, Australia has also tightened visa rules for international students and low-skilled workers in a new immigration policy.

Australia has announced a new immigration policy for 10 years in which the visa rules for students have been tightened.

Australian Interior Affairs Minister Claire O'Neill, while announcing the new immigration policy, charged that the previous government had destroyed the immigration system, which would be reformed to fix it.

He said that the government will control the number of immigration and the number of internal migrants will be reduced by 50% within two years.

Under the new policies, international students will be required to score high on English tests and will be subject to further scrutiny on the student's second visa application.

According to the Australian Interior Affairs Minister, the new immigration policy will attract more foreign talent to Australia that the country needs.

This decision has come after immigration reached a record 510,000 in 2022-23. This was forecast to fall to around a quarter of a million in 2024-25 and 2025-26, according to official figures.

According to the report, 510,000 people arrived in Australia by June 2023, but now the government has announced to increase the annual intake to 250,000 by June 2025.

It has also been reported that there are about 650,000 foreign students in Australia.

Australia's migration to record levels has exacerbated housing and infrastructure problems, but the country faces a skills shortage.

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