
ANP to support IPP in Punjab

Awami National Party Punjab General Secretary Amir Bahadur Khan said that he will fully support Aleem Khan and his panel throughout Punjab.

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ANP to support IPP in Punjab

Lahore: Awami National Party (ANP) has decided to support the candidates of Istehkam-e-Pakistan Party (IPP) in Punjab.

Awami National Party Punjab General Secretary Amir Bahadur Khan met IPP President Abdul Aleem Khan and on this occasion Amir Bahadur said that he will fully support Aleem and his panel throughout Punjab.

Hazara Welfare Association Chairman Bashir Ahmad also announced his support in meeting with Abdul Aleem Khan. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Ravi Town's former president Mubasher Lal also announced his participation in IPP, saying that all PTI members in NA-117 activists will run the election campaign of Abdul Aleem Khan.

Arif Awan Advocate, Naeem Guraiya Advocate met with Abdul Aleem Khan along with the lawyers community, the lawyers from NA-117 will fully support IPP President.

On this occasion, National Assembly candidate Abdul Aleem Khan said: “My manifesto is to serve the common man and ensure service without discrimination, upgrading Shahdara and suburban areas will be our first priority in the general elections. Thanks to ANP and Hazara community for supporting in general elections”.

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