
'Kashmir Struggles Under Siege' seminar organised by All Parties Hurriyat Conference

Short documentary was displayed on the worsening situation of Occupied Jammu and Kashmir

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'Kashmir Struggles Under Siege' seminar organised by All Parties Hurriyat Conference

Muzaffarabad: All Parties Hurriyat Conference Azad Kashmir Chapter organised a symposium in Muzaffarabad under the title of ‘Kashmir Struggles Under Siege’.

Azad Kashmir Prime Minister Chaudhry Anwaar-ul-Haq, Convener All Parties Ghulam Mohammad Safi, Senator Mushahid Hussain Syed, Government Ministers Azhar Sadiq, Chaudhry Mohammad Rasheed, Taqdees Geelani, Pir Mazhar Saeed Shah, Senior Parliamentarian Qamar Zaman Kaira, Member All Parties Hurriyat, Abdul Hameed Lone, President Youth Parliament Obaid Qureshi, Hurriyat Conference leaders, officers, students, civil society and a large number of people attended the seminar.

Naila Altaf Kayani performed the duties of the stage secretary, while the member All Parties Hurriyat Conference Abdul Hameed Lone performed the duties of recitation.

At the beginning of the event, a short documentary was displayed on the worsening situation of Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, in which the participants were informed about Indian atrocities.

Azad Kashmir Prime Minister Chaudhry Anwaar-ul-Haq addressed the symposium and informed the participants about the historic commitment of the Azad Kashmir government to the Kashmir issue.

Speaking at the symposium, the convener of All Parties Hurriyat Conference, Azad Kashmir Chapter, Ghulam Muhammad Safi, said that the real greatness in the world belongs to Allah and should not be afraid of America and India. The Kashmir issue has different aspects. One aspect of Kashmir's freedom struggle is the violation of human rights by the Indian Army and the other is to make the efforts of those struggling for the freedom movement effective. Kashmiris are being punished for raising their voice against Indian war crimes and for independence.

Conveyor All Parties Hurriyat Conference said they want to make it clear to the world that the only solution to the Kashmir issue lies in the resolutions of the Security Council. No option other than a referendum is accepted. Thank you for supporting Pakistan. The purpose of the All Parties Hurriyat Conference is to highlight the voice of Occupied Jammu and Kashmir across the world. To expose Indian atrocities and worst state terrorism and to raise voices for the fundamental rights of Kashmiris.

He stated that Pakistan will get stability only when Kashmir becomes independent and connects with Pakistan. He appreciated Pakistan's policy regarding Kashmir, the nuclear program, and trade.

Ghulam Muhammad Safi added that the struggle for a sustainable solution to the Kashmir issue is the first priority among our priorities. The All Party Hurriyat Conference wants a comprehensive solution to the Kashmir issue.

He also said: “We will not accept any option other than the right of self-determination and referendum. Complete independence from India is among our priorities. We believe that instead of bilateral negotiations, the issue should be resolved according to the internationally recognised solution, that is, according to the resolutions of the United Nations”.

He further said that they would not accept the mediation of any party that is India's strategic partner on the Kashmir issue. India is strategically involved in state terrorism. To stop the Indian aggression and to ensure as much as possible, the United Nations and world powers should take steps and bring India to justice.

Former federal minister, senior parliamentarian, and leader of Pakistan Peoples (PPP) Party Qamar Zaman Kaira said that Pakistan and Kashmiris have a historical relationship and Pakistan stands by the side of Kashmiris. Kashmiris will not be left alone. We have to understand our weaknesses and estimate the strength of the enemy.

He stated that knowledge is valued in the world and rule is on its basis. Youth should be attracted to education. If we gain expertise and reach in the field of knowledge, then the world will listen to us. Our monopoly will be established. The foundation of PPP was laid on the freedom struggle of Kashmir. We have to heal at social and national levels.

The former federal minister said that the issue of Kashmir can be brought to its logical conclusion only with a stable Pakistan. If Pakistan is strong, the world will listen to Pakistan. There is no more tolerance. We should have a dialogue. Things are changing rapidly in the information age. People have to get real awareness about the Kashmir issue. The war of narrative is being fought in the world.

He continued to say that only avoiding violence can bring society towards improvement. The peaceful struggle of Kashmiris will bring the necessary color for freedom. ‘We have to make our narrative strong and concrete. Powers have a role in the world as they make the decisions. Until we get stable, the world will not give priority to our words’.

Former Senator Pakistan Mushahid Hussain Syed while addressing the symposium said that India is involved in state terrorism, and trade with India has been stopped since August 5, 2019. Until India restores the special status of occupied Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan will not do any kind of trade with India, nor will there be negotiations with India on the issue of Kashmir.

He said that the balance of superpowers in the world is changing. China is getting stronger and the West is declining. The pro-Indian rulers were defeated in Bangladesh and India's influence in Nepal has also decreased. Other neighboring countries are also getting closer to Pakistan and China. Pakistan will never compromise on nuclear power. Pakistan's civil and military leadership stands with Kashmiris. ‘We are following an unambiguous policy towards India. We have made it clear to the world that we will continue to provide political, diplomatic, and moral support to Kashmiris’.

Mushahid Hussain added that we are the effective voice of Kashmiris on every front and in the future also we will play every possible role in the strong advocacy of Kashmiris. After the August 5 move, China has now come forward as a party in Kashmir's Oxhai Chen.

He also stated that Kashmiris will not be left alone. Executive Director Comast University, Ambassador Dr Muhammad Nafees Zakaria said in a video link address that the role of media and digital media is exemplary. We should remember that the ruling party of India, BJP is a political wing of RSS Gulbhushan Yadav, Ehsanullah Ehsan's role and Indian funding to TTP are solid proofs of India's involvement in terrorism in Pakistan.

India is committing genocide of Muslims in Occupied Kashmir and India. There is a long history of Muslim massacres in Babri Masjid and Gujarat. These are living examples of the Indian government's Muslim killing policy. India has put on the cloak of so-called democracy. After 2019, India has tried to change the composition of the population of Kashmir. Unmarked graves, enforced disappearances, and use of pellet guns are India's Kashmir policy, added Mushahid.

He said that the Kashmir issue is on the agenda of the Security Council. It is a sad fact that in 1947, the Muslim population of Kashmir was 79 percent, which is now only 68 percent. Occupied Kashmir has a long history of disappearances and unnamed graves which can never be ignored. In 2016, India has used pellet guns in Occupied Kashmir. India is violating international laws, which it should be aware of. Pakistan will stand with its Kashmiri brothers and sisters. The struggle will continue till a lasting solution.

Secretary General All Parties Hurriyat Conference Advocate Parvez Shah informed about the aims and objectives of the symposium in his address and said that All Parties Hurriyat Conference is the voice of Kashmiris. They will not let the sacrifices of the martyrs go in vain. The sentiments of Kashmiris are high. Pakistan has always played an active role in highlighting the issue of Kashmir at international forums, they appreciate Pakistan's Kashmir policy.

Parvez Shah said that the Indian army was subjecting the youth to the worst atrocities in the occupied valley. Young people are effectively leading the freedom movement. The struggle of the youth will bring change. The international community should play a role in resolving the Kashmir issue.

Hurriyat leader Muzamil Thakur from London said in his video link address from the seminar that the role of Hurriyat leadership should be appreciated, it is the powerful and effective voice of Kashmiris who are fighting for their Muslim and Kashmir identity. India's pro-Hindtva government is following a Muslim-killing policy, we have to fight a narrative war. If the narrative is not effective and the demands are not modernised, India can sway international public opinion in its favour.

He said that he salutes the sacrifices of Hurriyat leader Syed Ali Geelani for the freedom movement.

The director of Kashmir Action Networks, Karen Fisder, said in a video link address from the symposium that India is involved in transnational repression, and international terrorism has now become an introduction to India. India is doing open terrorism in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. It is using the presence of international diplomatic, political, and infamous intelligence agencies as aggression to suppress the voices raised in the world for occupied Jammu and Kashmir. People are tried to be pressured. Kashmiris face political prosecutions on returning to India for raising their voices against atrocities in Kashmir abroad.

Addressing the event, Youth Parliament President Rabeed Qureshi said that the role of the government of Azad Kashmir and the All Parties Hurriyat Conference along with overseas Kashmiris has been exemplary in highlighting the issue of Kashmir. We should cherish the national interest. Despite different ideologies, we should prioritize national interests above political ideologies.

He added that digital war has to be made effective for Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Take steps to highlight the youth issue of Kashmir on digital forums. Be the voice of the Kashmir cause in the world and change yourself according to the changing demands of the world.

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