
Pakistan Embassy in The Hague holds event to mark Christmas celebrations

Ambassador Suljuk Mustansar Tarar welcomed the attendees and conveyed felicitations and good wishes to them and their families on Christmas.

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GNN Media: Representational Photo

Islamabad: The Embassy of Pakistan in The Hague on Monday held an event to mark Christmas celebrations with Pakistani origin Christian community living in the Netherlands at Pakistan house the Hague.

Ambassador Suljuk Mustansar Tarar welcomed the attendees and conveyed felicitations and good wishes to them and their families on Christmas.

Participants from Urdu Church of the Netherlands sang traditional carols and hymns and prayed for Pakistan’s continued progress.

During the event, Ambassador Tarar underscored the significance of interfaith harmony and the important role played by minorities in Pakistan. He highlighted steps taken by the Government of Pakistan to ensure welfare of all citizens of the country.

Pakistan Embassy in The Hague holds event to mark Christmas celebrations

He appreciated the efforts of Urdu Church and of Pakistani Christian community in the Netherlands for the good name they brought to the country by their positive contributions to the society.

The participants appreciated organization of the event to mark the auspicious occasion.




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