
Bilawal vows to end politics of hate and division if elected to power

The PPP chairman asks the people of Shikarpur to vote and support the PPP on February, so he could address their problems.

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Shikarpur:  Pakistan Peoples’ Party (PPP) Chairman Bilawal Bhutto asked the people of Shikarpur to vote and support his party, so they could resolve their problems after coming into power.

“It is my request to all of you that vote us so we could resolve your problems by sitting together,” said the PPP chairman while addressing a gathering in Shikarpur.

Bilawal said that they had been fighting against poverty and hunger for a long time, saying that they had prepared an economic chart. The public, he said, wanted long government which could give them jobs and employments.

He also said that he would end the politics of hate and division if he got elected with the support of the voters.

“Our rivals want to divide you on the basis of religion and language,” said Bilawal, adding that he and his party was not doing politics of division.

“Give us vote on Feb 8 and we will bury the politics of hate and division,” said the PPP chairman.  He stated that it was the only PPP which could resolve the problems of the people.

He warned that the politics of hate and division was causing huge damage to the country, and the people of Shikarpur knew that the country was going through tough situation. 

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