
Pakistani-American author wins International Impact Book Award

Mumtaz Hussain has received the award at a gathering attended by some of New York’s prominent literary figures.

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New York: Pakistani-American author, poet and filmmaker Mumtaz Hussain has won the prestigious International Impact Book Award for his English book, “Portrait in Words.”

“Portrait in Words” is a collection of short stories written in a novel form and looks into complex aspects of human life and relationships from a variety of angles.

Hussain received the award at a gathering attended by some of New York’s prominent literary figures. Over the past two decades, Hussain has produced an array of artistic works, ranging from films, and paintings to novels and poetry collections.

Hussain described the latest recognition of his work as” incredibly encouraging,” and hoped it would help familiarize the American audience with Pakistani society, ethos, and the untold story of its diversity.


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