
Decision to install secret cameras in Karachi Airport, Red Zone

The secret camera project also includes security monitoring of foreign embassies.

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Decision to install secret cameras in Karachi Airport, Red Zone

Karachi: Sindh Interior Department has decided to install secret cameras in Karachi Airport and Red Zone.

According to the details, more than 1000 secret cameras will be installed in Karachi Airport and Red Zone. Sindh Interior Department has requested the Finance Department to release funds.

The letter stated that in the first phase, secret cameras will be installed in Karachi Airport and Red Zone. In the second phase, secret cameras will be installed in Shahrah Faisal and posh areas.

It is also reported that in the third phase, secret cameras will be installed on major highways of Karachi.

The secret camera project also includes security monitoring of foreign embassies.

According to the reports, 10,000 hidden cameras will be installed in the city under the project.

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