
Mazahir Naqvi allotted bullet proof car

It is to be noted that the Cabinet Division had allotted the car to the former judge on the suggestion of the Registrar Supreme Court and the Home Ministry.

GNN Web Desk
Published ایک سال قبل on جنوری 20 2024، 10:32 صبح
By Web Desk
Mazahir Naqvi allotted bullet proof car

Islamabad: It has been revealed that the former Supreme Court judge Justice (retired) Mazahir Ali Naqvi was allotted a bullet proof car.

According to the details, Justice (R) Mazahir Naqvi was first given a Mercedes Benz, but he did not like it, after that he was given a Jeep.

Mazahir Naqvi has returned the official bullet proof car as per the rules. He as a judge of the Supreme Court (SC) was not entitled to the allotment of a bullet proof car.

However, he had requested the Ministry of Home Affairs that his life is in danger, so that a bulletproof car should be allotted to him.

It is to be noted that the Cabinet Division had allotted the car to the former judge on the suggestion of the Registrar Supreme Court and the Home Ministry.
