
Hot weather forecast in Karachi from today

Temperature in Karachi from tomorrow may range from 35 to 38 degrees Celsius

GNN Web Desk
Published 4 hours ago on Mar 6th 2025, 12:18 pm
By Web Desk
Hot weather forecast in Karachi from today

Karachi: The Meteorological Department has predicted hot weather in Karachi from Thursday.

According to the Meteorological Department, the weather in Karachi is likely to remain hot from today and the intensity of the heat is likely to increase further from tomorrow.

The Meteorological Department said that the temperature in Karachi from tomorrow may range from 35 to 38 degrees Celsius, hot and dry winds will blow from the northwest for most of the day, and sea breezes will resume in the evening.

The Meteorological Department further said that the intensity of the hot weather is likely to continue until March 12, after which the westerly winds may affect the upper and northern regions of the country, and a decrease in temperature is expected in Karachi after March 12.
