
ECP directs parties to give arguments by Feb 27 in Mansehra case

According to the details, Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) supremo Nawaz Sharif’s plea heard in ECP.

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ECP directs parties to give arguments by Feb 27 in Mansehra case

Islamabad: Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has been directed all parties to give arguments by February 27 in NA-15, Mansehra case.

According to the details, Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) supremo Nawaz Sharif’s plea heard in ECP.

Nawaz’s lawyer Jahangir Jadon stated that the Returning Officer’s (RO) report has still not given to him. Without reading the context of the RO’s report the arguments cannot be given.

Ghustasib’s lawyer Babar Awan said that every party has got the RO’s report. Ghustasib has won from 25,000 lead and according to the law after getting this much lead recounting cannot be possible now. ECP stopped the notification of Ghustasib Khan’s victory.

Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Sikandar Sultan Raja remarked that he removed the stay and give more time for arguments.

Babar Awan replied that stay cannot be extended amid giving arguments. Stay should be removed as soon as possible.

Sikandar Sultan said that the decision is being made on stay sometimes Jahangir got late and told that did not get the record.

ECP ordered all parties to submit the documents.

Jahangir plead to CEC to give him a last chance to complete the arguments. 125 polling stations’ results has not been included in form-47.

CEC further said that RO has rejected this claim of 125 polling stations’ votes have not been included in the report.     

Babar Awan said that during the preparation of form-47, no one has gone to the office of RO from PML-N’s side.

ECP postponed the hearing of NA-15 by February 27.  

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