
PM announces big relief for consumers using upto 200 units per month

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif says 25 million domestic consumers which make upto 94 percent of the total domestic consumers will benefit from this package for three months of July, August and September

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Islamabad: Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Tuesday announced a massive relief package of 50 billion rupees for domestic electricity consumers using upto 200 units per month.

He was addressing a ceremony on energy sector reforms in Islamabad this afternoon.

The Prime Minister said 25 million domestic consumers which make upto 94 percent of the total domestic consumers would benefit from this package for three months of July, August and September.

He said under the package, cost of per unit electricity would be four to seven rupees per unit. He said consumers of K-Electric would also be eligible for this subsidy.

The Prime Minister said these fifty billion rupees would be spent from development fund.

He said the decision has been taken to provide relief to common man in the wake of increase in prices of electricity.

He said these three summer months are the hardest to cope with and ultimately from October onwards as the weather gets pleasant, the electricity consumption also gets down.

Shehbaz Sharif said the coalition government would overcome all difficulties together.

He said the only way to overcome our economic woes is to nab corruption.


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