
Kathy Griffin makes suicide attempt public

Kathy Griffin recently unveiled a rough patch of her life, which even forced her to take her own life.

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The actress claims she made a suicide attempt after she became addicted to prescription pills.

In an interview, she said she went down into a pitfall after her 2017 photoshoot, where she had to face backlash as she held a fake severed head of Donald Trump. 

"To lose all of my work overnight and to be told by people in my own industry, 'It's over, leave the country for five years. You've shamed our industry,' on and on and on. It definitely got to me," Griffin admitted.

"I got to the point where I kind of agreed. Maybe it is time for me to go. And I've had a great life and I don't think there's a next chapter for me," she said.

Griffin revealed how she became "severely addicted to prescription pills," despite never having a drink in her life.

The actress said that her addiction made her consider suicide "I started really convincing myself it was a good decision. I got my living revocable trust in order. I had all my ducks in a row," she said. "I wrote the note, the whole thing. And I just thought, 'I'll just take a bunch of pills and I'll go to sleep.’’

Griffin added that she took 100 pills, fell down two flights of stairs and then woke up and took more pills and fell again.

 She let one of her doctors know via text and was put on a 5150 psychiatric hold after that.


Kathy Griffin is an American actress and an American comedian who has released several comedy albums. 

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