
No Netflix password sharing anymore

Netflix will allow people to add new members to their accounts for a fee

GNN Web Desk
Published 2 سال قبل on اکتوبر 20 2022، 3:04 شام
By Web Desk
No Netflix password sharing anymore

America: Netflix will charge you fees when you share your account in early 2023.

Netflix has announced that it will charge subscribers who share their accounts password with additional users. It will be applicable in early 2023. The platform will also launch a system to add cost to your subscription plan for extra member accounts for people who are not your household members. 

When Netflix confirmed the proposal on Tuesday, it did not mention the pricing structure for new payments. However, this plan is currently being tried in a few Latin American nations and implements a fee for each extra user equal to one-fourth of the cost of regular membership.

If Netflix continues to operate this plan, each extra member subaccount would cost between $3.50 and $4 in the US, Popsci.

Netflix had been lenient about password sharing previously which followed its biggest subscriber losses ever earlier this year. Therefore, it began experimenting with ways to make shared accounts pay. 

Adding to the password-sharing fees, Netflix also plans to launch less expensive subscription plans sponsored by advertising the next month.

Due to Netflix’s control in the streaming video market and years of persistent membership growth, almost all of Hollywood’s giant media houses invested billions of dollars in their own streaming businesses.

New services were rose due to these streaming wars. Services include Apple TV Plus, Disney Plus, HBO Max, Peacock, and Paramount Plus. This surge of streaming options has convoluted the number of services one must use (and, consistently, pay for) to watch your desired films and shows online.

Implementing in 2023, Netflix will allow people to add new members to their accounts for a fee who do not live with them. The announcement was made on Tuesday by Netflix in a letter to shareholders.

