
Punjab govt approves ‘Apna Ghar’ project 

Maryam Nawaz directed to launch this scheme near the cities. 

GNN Web Desk
Published 10 ماہ قبل on اپریل 24 2024، 10:00 صبح
By Web Desk
Punjab govt approves ‘Apna Ghar’ project 

Lahore: The Punjab government has given in principal approval of apna ghar apni chat project on 519 canals of land in five biggest cities including Lahore.

According to the details, a session chaired by chief minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz. A briefing has done on monthly installment and the construction of model houses.

During the session, Maryam Nawaz ordered to prepare the best houses in low prices. The agreement has done on the suggestion from Pakistan council for architect and town planners for the maps of houses.

However, the land has also been identified in five cities for the housing scheme of low-income homeless people. Maryam Nawaz directed to launch this scheme near the cities. 

