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Govt vows to improve tax collection through FBR

Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb says data from Pakistan Revenue Automation Limited and REMIT can be utilized in digitizing FBR’s tax system



Govt vows to improve tax collection through FBR
GNN Media: Representational Photo

Islamabad: Minister for Finance Muhammad Aurangzeb reaffirmed government’s commitment to improve tax collection through Federal Board of Revenue's (FBR) ongoing efforts in digitization. 

Muhammad Aurangzeb  was talking to Regional Head of Technology and Tax Mc Kinsey & Co Tom Isherwood in Islamabad on Monday.

The Finance Minister said the data from Pakistan Revenue Automation Limited and REMIT can be utilized in digitizing FBR’s tax system.

Muhammad Aurangzeb emphasized the need for investment in technology and fostering a cultural shift towards digital governance.


