
Cyclone Asna 170km away from Sindh coast: Chief Meteorologist

Stormy rain system may enter the Northeast Arabian Sea by tomorrow morning

GNN Web Desk
Published 6 months ago on Aug 30th 2024, 2:29 pm
By Web Desk
Cyclone Asna 170km away from Sindh coast: Chief Meteorologist

Karachi: Cyclone 'Asna' is hardly 170 kilometres away from the Sindh coast, Chief Meteorologist Dr Sardar Sarfraz said on Friday. Pakistan’s coastal areas are bracing for a potential cyclonic storm expected over the northeast Arabian Sea.

The Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) has issued a second tropical cyclone alert in the coastal belt of Sindh.

Sarfraz said that the deep depression is 200 kilometres southeast of Karachi and it may take the form of a powerful storm today.

He said that the stormy rain system may enter the Northeast Arabian Sea by tomorrow morning.

The Department of Meteorology has instructed that the winds are blowing at a speed of 50 to 60 km and sometimes 70 km per hour in the sea. The fishermen of Sindh should not go into the deep sea till August 31.
