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Learn from Singapore



Pakistan shares much in common with Singapore, the former British colony that gained independence in 1959. One basic difference, however, accounts for Singapore’s success as one of the most economically stable Asian countries and our unenviable position as one of the third world’s most regressive on

Malik Asim Dogar Profile Malik Asim Dogar

In Singapore, there are three major regional languages that are spoken by the majority along with English. Buddhism has the most numerous followers but Christianity, Islam and Hinduism also flourish. Home to more 5.5 million people, the city-state is united in its identity as one nation despite their culture having Malay, Chinese and Indian influences.

So what is that one reason? A political government that is ruling since day one with a national agenda. According to Transparency International’s report of 2020, Singapore is now among the top three corruption free countries in the world. How did its journey begin?

When the People’s Action Party, the ruling party from independence till now, took over, they had nothing much to work with except coastal areas. For a tiny country without any natural resource of its own, choices were limited to either the burgeoning communism movement or the growing capitalist influence. In a bid to stop the influence of China’s communism, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kopng and Taiwan were offered the chance to become Asian Tigers. During the Cold War, these countries turned into economic hubs, a status they hold to this day. People’s Action Party opened the country for free market economy, paving the way for its people to learn technical and business know-how.

Today, Singapore is home to 7,000 central or regional offices of multinational corporations. It’s the only Asian country with an AAA economic rating, and second in GDP earnings in the world. Its human resource became the most skilled in the world.

To reach this stage, Singapore made education, healthcare, residence and safety the responsibility of the state. More than 91% of the residents of Singapore own their own housing units. An excellent healthcare system has led to prolonged lives and one of the lowest infant mortality rates. Free market economy made Singapore a tax haven, a center for gambling and human smuggling. But the government remained undeterred and kept on focusing on human and economic progress. Outside interference was kept to a minimum.

Compare this to Pakistan, a country rich in natural resources but lagging at 154 on the Human Progress Index. More than half the population is extremely poor. Pakistan’s rulers were focused on corruption, illegal use of state resources. In the process, they destroyed institutions.

Pakistan tehreek-e-Insaf came into power with slogans of accountability. Forget about reducing corruption, the ruling party has somehow managed to increase it. All claims of government leaders and National Accountability bureau have been laid bare by the Transparency International Report where Pakistan has slipped in rankings during this government’s tenure. Shehbaz Gill tried to blame it all on the previous government, even going so far as to share reports from previous years in a dubious attempt to derail attention.

The general public wants to know exactly who is being held accountable. The Prime Minister, meanwhile, is confused about what he wants to make of the country; the State of Madina, the State of China or the State of Malaysia. Half his tenure is over but he remains undecided. Whatever system is brought into place, remember that leadership needs to focus on thinking for the country.

Try to learn from Singapore.


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Pakistan rejects Indian PM’s belligerent remarks

Pakistan Foreign Office says Indian leaders’ rhetorical statements cannot deflect international attention from India’s heavy-handed approach to suppress the Kashmiri people’s just struggle for realization of their fundamental rights and freedoms

Published by Hussnain Bhutta



Islamabad: Pakistan on Friday rejected Indian Prime Minister’s belligerent remarks made in Drass, Ladakh.

The Foreign Office in a statement said that bravado and jingoism undermine regional peace and are totally counter-productive for resolution of long-standing disputes between Pakistan and India, especially the core dispute of Jammu and Kashmir.

It further said the Indian leaders’ rhetorical statements cannot deflect international attention from India’s heavy-handed approach to suppress the Kashmiri people’s just struggle for realization of their fundamental rights and freedoms, particularly their inalienable right to self-determination.

Instead of maligning others for terrorism, India should reflect on its own campaign of orchestrating targeted assassinations, subversion and terrorism in foreign territories.

Pakistan stands resolute in its intent and ability to safeguard its sovereignty against any aggression, as exemplified by its robust response to India’s reckless incursion in February 2019.

The Foreign Office said while Pakistan is ready to counter India’s aggressive actions, it remains committed to promoting peace and stability in the region.




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Mathira opens up about Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar’s abduction incident

Actress and model says meeting girlfriends at 4 amis inappropriate; such meetings should not occur at that hour

Published by Hussnain Bhutta



Lahore: Prominent host and model Mathira on Friday opened up about the recent abduction of renowned dramatist Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar.

In an interview with a YouTuber, Mathira expressed, “What happened to Khalil-ur-Rehman was entirely wrong and should not have occurred,”.

Mathira revealed that, while she lacks complete details, she heard that Khalil-ur-Rehman was kidnapped and assaulted after meeting a woman late at night. She stressed that it was inappropriate for him to meet a woman at such a late hour.

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When discussing her own safety practices, Mathira stated that she would never attend a project meeting scheduled late at night, preferring to attend such meetings in the morning or during the day. She added, "I wouldn't even leave the house at night for my father."

Without mentioning Khalil-ur-Rehman by name, Mathira commented, "Meeting girlfriends at 4 amis inappropriate; such meetings should not occur at that hour."

A few days prior, Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar reportedly went to meet a woman in Lahore at night, where he was allegedly kidnapped and assaulted. He was purportedly abducted under the guise of discussing a drama project, tortured, and had money stolen from him.

Following the incident, the police filed a case against the responsible gang and arrested the main suspect, Amina Urooj, along with other individuals involved in the kidnapping of Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar.



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PTI and PML-N activists stage fake incident for fame: Police

Neeli Pari has been accused of assaulting Tahir Anjum for criticizing PTI founder Imran Khan, but police sources claim the incident was premeditated

Published by Hussnain Bhutta



Lahore: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) supporter Aneela Riaz, also known as Neeli Pari, and Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) activist Tahir Anjum reportedly staged an incident to gain fame within their respective parties, the police sources said on Friday.

Neeli Pari has been accused of assaulting Tahir Anjum for criticizing PTI founder Imran Khan, but police sources claim the incident was premeditated. They stated that the two individuals knew each other beforehand and had even met prior to the altercation. The motive behind this staged drama was to gain popularity within their parties.

Police reports indicate that Neeli Pari was arrested at Tahir Anjum’s residence, where she had allegedly gone to apologize. Both individuals have reportedly confessed to planning the incident.

Earlier, a local court in Lahore sent Neeli Pari to jail on judicial remand. The PTI activist was presented before a judicial magistrate, who rejected the police request for her physical remand and instead ordered her judicial remand.

The incident took place outside the Punjab Assembly, where PTI was holding a symbolic hunger strike protesting the incarceration of Imran Khan. During this event, PTI activists stopped the vehicle of the PML-N cultural wing leader and began to assault him. Footage shows Neeli Pari slapping Tahir Anjum before he was rescued by his party workers.



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