
LHC directs for re-registration of private schools

The court directed that those new busses will be used to pick and drop the 50 percent of private school children.

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LHC directs for re-registration of private schools

Lahore: The Lahore High Court (LHC) has ordered the re-registration of private schools and the purchase of new buses for the children.

According to the details, Justice Shahid Karim has issued a written order on the petitions for smog remedy.
The court directed that those new busses will be used to pick and drop the 50 percent of private school children.

The school education department was asked to buy buses for private schools 2 years ago but the school education department did not implement on this order.

In the written decision of the LHC, it has been said that the campaign to plant different kinds of flowers on the roofs has started, plants and gardens are being made on the roofs of the colleges.

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