
Asif Zardari's papers for presidential election approved

PPP leader Farooq H. Naik said that no objection was raised on the nomination papers of Asif Zardari.

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Asif Zardari's papers for presidential election approved

Islamabad: The nomination papers of former President Asif Ali Zardari for the presidential elections have been approved.

The nomination papers for the presidential candidate of former president and Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari were submitted in the Islamabad High Court (IHC), which have been approved after scrutiny.

The Chief Election Commissioner is the Returning Officer of the Presidential Elections and he approved the papers of the former President after scrutiny.

PPP leader Farooq H. Naik said that no objection was raised on the nomination papers of Asif Zardari and his papers were approved as the presidential candidate.

It is pertinent to note that Mehmood Achakzai has been nominated as the presidential candidate by Sunni Ittehad Council (SIC).

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