
Justice Shujaat Ali visits jail on Eid 2nd day 

However, he asked about the wellbeing of prisoners undergoing treatment at Kot Lakhpat Jail hospital.

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Justice Shujaat Ali visits jail on Eid 2nd day 

Lahore: The most senior judge high court justice Shujaat Ali Khan has visited Kot Lakhpat and camp jail on 2nd day of Eid-ul-Fitr.

According to the details, justice Shujaat Ali released 15 accusers involved in minor crimes on this occasion of Eid. He reviewed the food of the prisoners and the arrangements in the kitchen of jail.   

While distributing Eid gifts to women prisoners, Justice Shujaat Ali Khan also expressed his satisfaction over the arrangements in the jail.

However, he asked about the wellbeing of prisoners undergoing treatment at Kot Lakhpat Jail hospital.

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