
‘Wait a little’, Tareen replies journalists regarding next landing of his aircraft 

Jahangir Tareen says his failure to declare London property in nomination papers was only fault on his part

GNN Web Desk
Published 3 سال قبل on فروری 7 2022، 12:14 صبح
By Web Desk
‘Wait a little’, Tareen replies journalists regarding next landing of his aircraft 

Lodhran: Disgruntled PTI leader Jahangir Tareen asked the journalists to wait a little for next landing of his aircraft. 

Jahangir Tareen said while talking to the journalists at Lodhran on Sunday. 

To a reply to the journalist’s question about where Tareen’s aircraft is going to land next, disgruntled PTI leader said, “Wait a little.” He also claimed that he has been working to get the South Punjab province for the past twenty years. “I will persist with my efforts as long as I live.”

Nothing to do with petition against lifetime

To another question, the PTI leader said he has nothing to do with a petition against the lifetime disqualification of the Supreme Court Bar Association president. He said lifetime disqualification does not make any logic.

Jahangir Tareen said thieves and murderers can contest elections after serving sentences and are not disqualified for a lifetime. “If he was wrong then he should be declared disqualified for once, not for a lifetime,” he added. 

Jahangir Tareen said his failure to declare a London property in the nomination papers was the only fault on his part.

Tareen criticises PTI govt 

He also criticised the PTI government for its failure to control crises in the country. “Governments have a thousand ways to control crises but this government acts only when a crisis spirals out of control,” he maintianed.
