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Interior minister hints at early elections 

Opposition has fallen into its own trap: Sheikh Rashid



Interior minister hints at early elections 
GNN Media: Representational Photo

Lahore: Minister for Interior Sheikh Rashid Ahmad on Thursday termed the no-confidence motion tabled against Prime Minister Imran Khan as a “trap” in which the opposition parties had fallen, saying that after its failure, 2023 general elections are likely to commence early.  

While addressing to media persons in Lahore today, the federal minister stated that if opposition leaders have our dissident members, then we have theirs. 

Regarding the no-confidence motion, Sheikh Rashid said that the opposition will get a big surprise. 

It’s a war of our self-esteem, said minister

The former Railway Minister further stated that Pakistan’s establishment is with Imran Khan, adding, the country’s judiciary is ‘far-sighted’ and ‘erudite’.   

“Better days are coming,” he said adding that this is a very interesting competition. 

Referring to oppositions’ long march, the minister said Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) should inform the schedule and route of its rally.

“If any problem emerges, the Interior Ministry will not be responsible,” he added. 

Regarding the coalition parties, Sheikh Rashid hoped that the allies will make the right decision in two to three days, expecting a ‘wise decision’. 

Imran Khan will hold the biggest rally in the history of Pakistan on March 27 at Parade Ground Islamabad, said federal minister.

Debunking various rumors about removal of Punjab Chief Minister, Sheikh Rashid said Usman Buzdar is not going anywhere and he will stand with Imran Khan like a rock, till the end.
