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Lawyers to challenge 26th amendment at every forum

Vice Chairman Sindh Bar Kashif Hanif said that the 26th Amendment has changed the basic structure of the constitution



Lawyers to challenge 26th amendment at every forum
Lawyers to challenge 26th amendment at every forum

Karachi: Senior lawyer Munir A. Malik, Aamir Nawaz Waraich, Kashif Hanif and Haider Imam Rizvi, among others, announced to protest against the 26th constitutional amendment and challenge it at every forum.

Speaking to the media at the Karachi Press Club, senior lawyers said that the basic structure of the constitution has been changed through the 26th constitutional amendment. The constitutional bench will be called the constitutional court and this bench is not a solution to pending cases, but now all judges will try to please parliament instead of providing justice.

Karachi Bar President Aamir Nawaz Waraich termed the constitutional amendment as harmful to the independence of the judiciary and said that if it is implemented, the focus of the judges will not be on delivering justice but on pleasing the rulers.

Advocate Munir A. Malik stated that no matter what those who approve the amendment say, we will call the Constitution Bench the Constitution Court.

Vice Chairman Sindh Bar Kashif Hanif said that the 26th Amendment has changed the basic structure of the constitution. They will not support any such action.

In the press conference, Haider Imam Rizvi and other lawyers said that all the bar associations of the country will take to the streets against this amendment and it will be challenged at every forum.
