
'Decide whether you want slavery or freedom', Imran Khan asks people of Pakistan

Former prime minister asks judiciary to tell him about his mistake

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Peshawar: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf chairman and former Prime asked the people of Pakistan to decide whether they wanted salvery or freedom.

Addressing a reasonable gathering of party activists in Peshawar, he said the "imported government" was not acceptable. "We don't accept this governemnt."

"My respected judges guide me what mistake I committed," Khan said, adding he would go city to city to moblize voters. 

He said that the 'imported government' currently in charge was full of individuals out on bail. "Shehbaz Sharif is out on bail, his son is out on bail, Nawaz Sharif is a convict, and his son is an absconder in London and the same is the case with his sons, daughter and son-in-law."

Khan said that the Americans have "disrespected" Pakistan by "imposing outlaws" on this nation.

"I will go to every city of the country ... and I challenge to them that they would have never seen the kind of mobility of the public the way I would do."

He said Shehbaz Sharif had been facing Rs40 billion worth cases involving corruption, challenging Nawaz Sharif to return as the nation was anxiously waiting for his {impeachment}. 

Khan said his life and death was with Pakistan, questioning "what crime did I commit that the court was opened at 12 o'clock at night?"

He said whenever any Prime Minister of Pakistan was removed, sweets were distributed, but ehen he was removed, the people gave him so much respect for which he is thankful to Allah.

The PTI chairman said the people came out from all over the country on Sunday. "Pakistan has become a nation."

He called Ali Muhammad Khan and Qasim Khan Suri  two great heroes of PTI game. "Ali Mohammad Khan gave a great speech. I am proud of you. Another hero is Qasim Soori."

He said he would ask the judges if Qasim Suri had not said correctly that it was clearly written in the letter that the United States would fix relations with Pakistan only when Imran Khan would be removed.

The former prime minister said that our nation would never recognize these dacoits. Announcing his departure in every city of Pakistan, he said that he would make the honorable people stand against these unscrupulous people.

He challenged that never in the history of Pakistan have so many people taken to the streets.

Talking about the Prime Minister in his address, Imran Khan said that there are corruption cases of Rs 40 billion against Shahbaz Sharif, will we consider Shahbaz Sharif as our Prime Minister?

He bluntly said whoever thoght that "we will accept thieves, listen carefully, this is not Pakistan of 1970s. This is not the Pakistan when the Americans removed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto."


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