
Islamabad urges Kabul for action against terror groups

Pakistan's strong condemnation was expressed on the suicide attack perpetrated on security forces convoy in Bannu district on Sunday by an Afghan National.

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Islamabad: The representative of the Afghan Embassy in Islamabad was called in to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs today.    

Pakistan's strong condemnation was expressed on the suicide attack perpetrated on security forces convoy in Bannu district on Sunday by an Afghan National.

Hafiz Gul Bahadur Group has claimed responsibility for the attack.

The Afghan representative was conveyed to fully investigate and take action against perpetrators, abettors of the Bannu attack.

He was urged to take immediate verifiable actions against all terrorist groups and their sanctuaries.

The representative was also conveyed to apprehend Hafiz Gul Bahadar and hand over to Pakistan and prevent use of Afghan soil for terrorism against Pakistan.

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