
PTI demands Judicial Commission to inquire into Judges' letter

The protection of the judges who wrote the letter and their families should be ensured, said Gohar Ali Khan.

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PTI demands Judicial Commission to inquire into Judges' letter

Islamabad: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Barrister Gohar Ali Khan Wednesday said that they condemn the interference in the judiciary, a judicial commission should be formed to inquire into the letters of the judges. gave courage

According to PTI chairman they have been highlighting the interference in the judiciary for two years, now judges also got the courage.

While holding a press conference with PTI leader Umar Ayub in Islamabad, Barrister Gohar stated that the judges of the Islamabad High Court (IHC) wrote a letter to the Supreme Judicial Council that there was interference in IHC and judiciary and it is taking place even today which we condemn. Each judge was brought under pressure.

Chairman PTI added: “The judges have specifically mentioned political motives; three cases were decided under pressure. Six judges of High Court were affected by pressure, judicial commission should be formed to inquire into the letters of judges”.

He further said that if this letter is not acted upon, people's confidence in the judiciary will be lost. The protection of the judges who wrote the letter and their families should be ensured. The judges have mentioned the injustices done to them.

Barrister Gohar also said that today the equitable are telling their own story. The verdicts against founder PTI Imran Khan were given under pressure which has no value.

Gohar Ali Khan pleads the lawyers to come together for the independence of the judiciary. The Supreme Court should constitute a larger bench today.

Chairman PTI said that Judiciary is the pillar of the country which 250 million people look up to.

He continued to say that we had also brought the case of Tyrian White to the media. Six judges of Islamabad High Court have been affected by the pressure, one of the judges said that he does not know where his children are, one of the judges said that his son's wedding was delayed. He demanded the protection of judges be ensured.

On this occasion, PTI leader Umar Ayub said that the letter of the judges is a charge sheet on administrative matters. The letter clearly showed that the target is Imran Khan. The issue of the letter will be strongly raised in the National Assembly.

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