
What will Karachi weather be like for 24 hours?

Maximum temperature in city is likely to be 35 and 37 degrees Celsius

GNN Web Desk
Published 2 days ago on Mar 24th 2025, 11:04 am
By Web Desk
What will Karachi weather be like for 24 hours?

Karachi: The Meteorological Department has predicted that the city’s weather will remain hot during the next 24 hours.

According to the Meteorological Department, the maximum temperature in the city is likely to be recorded between 35 and 37 degrees Celsius during the next 24 hours.

The Meteorological Department has informed that hot and dry winds are blowing from the northwest at a light speed in Karachi and the humidity ratio in the air is 52 percent.

In addition, the minimum temperature recorded in the last 24 hours was 21.7 degrees Celsius.
