
Beetroot juice keeps heart, brain healthy

Beetroot juice can help improve the health of the arteries of the heart and the functioning of the brain. This was revealed in a medical study in the United Kingdom.

GNN Web Desk
Published 4 years ago on Apr 13th 2021, 5:18 am
By Web Desk

The University of Exeter study found that beetroot juice is rich in nitrate, which balances the bacteria in the mouth and promotes the growth of bacterias that are good for brain function and coronary heart health.

The study helps explain why beetroot juice is effective in lowering blood pressure in hypertension patients. However, other nitrate-rich vegetables, including cabbage, spinach and lettuce, provide similar benefits.

"We are excited about the findings that are important for healthy ageing," the researchers said.

"Keeping healthy germs in the mouth on a long-term basis can help slow down the rate of negative effects on the heart and the brain arteries as we get older," he said.

The study included 26 people between the ages of 70 and 80.

These individuals were divided into 2 groups, one group was given 140 ml of beetroot juice for 10 days while the other group was given the same amount of nitrate-rich juice.

While both drinks had the same aroma and taste.

The authors also propose that these nitrate-sensitive oral bacteria would make suitable probiotics to redress age-related declines in cardiovascular and cognitive health.

After a washout period of 3 days, the groups switched, and the participants consumed the other drink for 10 days.

The researchers also asked the participants not to use mouthwash during the study.

Psychological and mental tests of the volunteers were taken before, during and after the research, while genetic sequencing of saliva combustion also identified the types of bacteria in the mouth.

The results showed that people who drank beetroot juice had higher levels of bacteria in their mouths that were linked to good heart and brain health.

Similarly, the number of bacteria that cause inflammation was low.

The study also found a 5 mm drop in blood pressure in people who drank beetroot juice for 10 days and increased the availability of nitric oxide in the blood.

They also performed well in the ability to concentrate.

Researchers found that people who drink beetroot juice are more likely to develop two types of bacteria, MM5 and MM6.  Both of these bacteria have been shown to help improve brain function and blood pressure.

Prof. Vanhatalo cautions that further research will be necessary to determine whether these findings apply to other groups of people.

"The people involved in the study were older people who had normal blood pressure, dietary nitrates lower blood pressure levels and we want to see that other people and people with poor health also benefit or not," she said.

The results of the study were published in the medical journal Redox Biology.
