
Adnan Siddiqui, Sajal Aly honoured with civil awards

Governor Punjab Baligh-ur-Rehman awarded Tamgah-e-Imtiaz (Medal of Excellence) to actress Sajal Ali.

GNN Web Desk
Published a year ago on Mar 23rd 2024, 3:50 pm
By Web Desk
Adnan Siddiqui, Sajal Aly honoured with civil awards

Lahore: The government awarded civil honors to actor Adnan Siddiqui and actress Sajal Aly.

On the occasion of Pakistan Day, a civil honors ceremony was held at Governor House Punjab in which people associated with various fields including education, health, sports and art were awarded medals of distinction.

Governor Punjab Baligh-ur-Rehman awarded Tamgah-e-Imtiaz (Medal of Excellence) to actress Sajal Aly.

On the other hand, a civil honors ceremony was also held at Governor House Sindh, where Sindh Governor Kamran Tesori awarded honors to personalities who have served in various fields.

On Pakistan Day, actors Adnan Siddiqui and Qadir Bakhsh Mattu were awarded with the Best Performance Award, while Mai Dhai from Thar was awarded with the Pride of Performance Award.
